March 12, 2018

Paperless Referral Workflows are Here

​The wait is over: Paperless Referral Entry and Workflows have arrived to every SWIS account.

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They’re HERE! Paperless referral workflows are out now! Some of eager users have already started getting them set up in their accounts. We’re glad to see you were just as excited to start using them as we were to get them in your hands.

Some of you may have logged in today and thought: Where’s all the new stuff? Remember, paperless workflows are a setting that, by default, is disabled. If you want to check them out in your own account, take a look at this tutorial to get to know more about each setting. If you’re not sure how to roll out these features for your building, take a look at this article full of ideas for getting started slowly.

We've also added lots of new resources to help you get started using paperless workflows. Keep checking back for updates as we go. In the meantime…



All the answers to your frequently asked questions can be found in Support. Search using the keyword ‘paperless’ to find them all quickly. If you have a question not listed there, let us know

Updated User’s Manual

You can find a brand new version of the SWIS User’s Manual in Resources. The new information about using referral workflows starts on page 17.

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