Data Entry
April 2, 2024

Heard the News? SWIS Mobile Is on Its Way!

Manage SWIS from your phone! SWIS Mobile is your app to enter referrals on the go, wherever student behavior happens. Here’s what you can expect…

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Documenting the behaviors that happen during the school day is a critical step in your decision-making process. For many schools, their referral process is now paperless. We knew we needed to create an app specifically designed for mobile devices.

We’re thrilled to announce that app is on its way to app stores very soon!

SWIS Mobile is your app to enter referrals on the go, wherever student behavior happens. Send a referral for review, save it as a draft to finish when you have more time, or save it as complete and move on with your day. Every referral entered in SWIS Mobile seamlessly flows into your SWIS desktop app for decision making. The app is free to download and use with your SWIS subscription. If you have access to SWIS, you’ll have access to SWIS Mobile!

Right now, our project team is busy working to make sure this app is the best it can be when it hits your app store. For those of you who can't wait to see the finished product, contact our support team and they’ll send you the details on how to get a sneak peek of the app.

Stay tuned to our website and social media for upcoming announcements.

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