Data-based decision making
March 3, 2014

Join us at APBS!

​Our PBISApps Training Team and ECS colleagues will be at the 11th International Conference on Positive Behavior Support.

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Our PBISApps Training Team and Educational and Community Supports colleagues will be presenting at the 11th International Conference on Positive Behavior Support. Visit the APBS 2014 website to find out more about the conference and for a full list of presentations.

Here’s what we’ll be up to:


Session B, 11-12:15 PM
Research on Practice Sustainability: An Object in Motion?
Location: Regency B
This presentation will describe the ongoing results of a national study of over 800 schools implementing SWPBIS. The presenter will share school and district team strategies that have been shown to make implementation more durable.

Session D, 3-4:15 PM
Practical Progress Monitoring of Tier III Supports
Location: Buckingham
This session provides practical tips and guidelines for progress monitoring at the Tier 3 level. We’ll look at basic decision rules for creating efficient data collection plans, and choosing between the many different metrics.

Poster Session, 6:30-8 PM
A Model for Moving from Parent Engagement to Family-School Partnerships Within SW-PBIS
Location: Crystal Ballroom
This presentation introduces a universal family-school partnership paradigm implemented within PBIS. The paradigm focuses on universal planning and problem-solving and partnership activities across settings, with structured recommendations for school personnel and families.

Poster Session, 6:30-8 PM
PBIS Applications: Collecting and Analyzing Student Outcome and PBIS Implementation Data
Location: Crystal Ballroom
This poster session provides an overview of the web-based applications provided by PBIS Applications at Descriptions and demonstrations of the SWIS Suite (SWIS, CICO-SWIS, and ISIS-SWIS), PBIS Evaluation, and PBIS Assessment will be provided.

Friday, March 7th

Session G, 10-11:15 PM
Building Capacity of Schools, Districts and States to Implement PBIS
Location: Regency A
SWPBIS is a framework for establishing the social culture needed for schools to be effective learning environments for all students. This session will define the district and state capacity needed to support PBIS implementation.

Session H, 11:30-12:45 PM
Looping in District Decision Makers for Sustaining Data-based Decision Making
Location: Buckingham
An overview for district-level decision makers about the web-based applications provided by PBISApps used to support and monitor school-wide PBIS implementation across a district. The applications include: SWIS, CICO-SWIS, ISIS-SWIS, PBIS Assessment, and PBIS Evaluation.

Session H, 11:30-12:45 PM
Team Initiated Problem Solving II (TIPS II) Overview
Location: Regency A
This session describes the Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS) approach to conducting data team meetings. Meeting Foundation Elements, the Problem Solving Routine, and research results (when using the School-Wide Information System) will be shared.

Session I, 2-3:15 PM
PBIS Applications: Collecting and Analyzing Data for Tier II & III Student Interventions
Location: Regency B
We know how to collect and use data at Tier 1. What does this look like at Tiers II and III? This session will offer current examples and demonstrate two online data collection tools available.


Full-Day Skill-Building Workshop, 8:30-4:30 PM
Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS II) Workshop
Location: Regency B
The TIPS II Training Curriculum will be used to teach teams critical skills for implementing TIPS when using Office Discipline Referral (SWIS) data. Participants will work in teams to use TIPS with simulated data.

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