As we explore what it means to achieve equitable solutions in PBIS implementation, we start by defining what equity looks like. So, what happens when our definitions of equity are different from each other? In this episode, learn how one coach successfully collaborates with the whole schoolwide community to create shared definitions and equitable systems that work for everyone.
Joining us is Mari Meador from the University of Washington’s School Mental Health Assessment Research and Training (SMART) Center. As an implementation coach, Mari supports schools in their implementation efforts. She has been a PBIS state facilitator, an assistant coordinator for the Northwest PBIS Network, and a school-based counselor and mental health associate. Mari is a forever advocate for system-level change, culturally responsive practices, and social-emotional learning.
Listen in as Mari shares her strategies for working with community and family members to define their shared values and identify interventions that are culturally responsive. Additionally, we’ll discuss the importance of mental health screening in schools and how it serves as a powerful foundation within any multi-tiered system of support.
For more information about the resources shared in this episode, check out the following links: