Teach By Design
Distance Learning
June 9, 2020

Remote Learning & PBIS Resource Roundup

With all these distance learnin' blog posts, district emails, practice briefs, and Twitter threads flyin' out of every corner of this here country, a good old fashioned round-up is in order. This here's your one-stop-shop.

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Whooo-eee! You did it! Your dogs might be barkin’ and your head may be hollerin’, but you made it to the end of the school year. Remote learning in a pandemic was a new level of Jumanji we weren’t ready to wrassle. Were you? At some point in April, the resources were flying fast and furious out of every social media account, technical assistance center, and district-wide blog. If you couldn’t keep up, you aren’t alone.

Never fear.

Here is a list of some of our favorite remote learning and PBIS resources we saw from y’all. Who knows? Maybe these little buddies will come in handy next year. (I done jinxed us now, didn’t I?)

From The Center on PBIS

Responding to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak through PBIS

PBIS is a way to teach and reward the positive behaviors you want to see in your building. There are several ways to leverage that framework in your school’s response to COVID-19. This practice brief gives you tips like adding handwashing and cough covering to your list of positive behaviors, engaging families to reinforce behaviors at home, and emphasizing the importance of community. Links to additional resources are included. A spanish language version is also available.

Supporting Families with PBIS at Home

PBIS teams should always include family representation. Partnering with families is especially true when students are away from school. This practice brief offers guidance for how to include PBIS practices at home to support students' distance learning. These tangible tips are good for those who are most experienced in PBIS practices and those who are brand new to the concepts. We've used these in our own homes and they make such a difference. A spanish version is available!

Creating a PBIS Behavior Teaching Matrix for Remote Instruction

Updating your behavior teaching matrix is an important step when students make the move from your physical classrooms to your virtual ones. You don't have to overhaul your existing matrix to make your expectations clear. With a few adjustments, you can make sure your Zoom discussions stay safe, predictable and positive. Check out the spanish version, too.  

Getting Back to School after Disruptions: Resources for Making Your School Year Safer, More Predictable, and More Positive

Recently updated to match our country’s current reality, this practice guide is here for you when your students are ready to return to school. While students are away, many have experienced unpredictable schedules, inconsistent supervision, or food insecurity. Included in the guide are six strategies The Center recommends school teams use to ensure a safe, predictable, and positive school year. A spanish version of the brief is also available

Adapting CICO for Distance Learning

Tier 2 supports at home? YES! It's possible. This practice brief walks through some of the obstacles associated with implementing Check-In Check-Out at home, ideas for recruiting family participation, screening tools for reassessing student and family needs, and tips for making small changes to the program in order to fit the new context.

From PBISApps

Teach By Design: 4-Step Plan for Handling Problem Behavior Remotely

How do you manage student behavior when students aren't physically in your classroom? This Teach by Design post outlines four steps to handling behaviors from a distance. (Did anyone else hear Bette Midler just now?)

Teach by Design: 4 Tips for Your Families Trying PBIS at Home

While your students are at home, families might benefit from those strong school-level PBIS structures you know and love. This is one family's experience attempting to create normalcy in the middle of a pandemic. The post draws on several of the resources from The Center on PBIS as a launching pad for their in-home implementation. The story continued on social media under #HomeschoolPBIS. Check it out.

Using PBISApps While Students are Home

Documenting student behaviors and submitting your PBIS surveys may seem tricky. We have some ideas about how you can keep collecting good data while you're engaged in remote learning. Take advantage of referral workflows in SWIS. Meet as a team online to conduct your TFI. There are lots of creative ways schools can keep up with their PBIS data.

From Michigan's MTSS Technical Assistance Center

COVID-19 Resources

Our colleagues in Michigan have put together their own one-stop-shop for the schools in their state trying to implement PBIS while students are away. They have ideas for how to conduct your spring data review and how to get back into your groove in the fall. There are several resources for how to adapt existing practices for online learning spaces, including:

Classroom PBIS for Online Learning

Guidance for Using Instructional Packets

Considerations for Distance Learning

From The Florida PBIS Project

Online TA Chats March 31-May 21

The Florida PBIS Project offers a series of live and recorded online TA Chats for school and district leaders. They post each session after it happens and store them all in an online archive. The chats from the beginning of the year are here, too; it’s the sessions starting March 31 that center on remote instruction.

From Your State and Regional Social Media

Many district, state, and regional PBIS partners across the country have their own resources rounded up on their websites and social media channels. The resources they post have specific guidance for your local context. Over the last few months, some of the handles we’ve watched are:

MN Positive Behavior Support Network:

Twitter: @MNPBS

Association for Positive Behavior Support

Twitter: @theAPBS

Facebook: Association for Positive Behavior Support

Vermont PBIS

Twitter: @VTPBIS

Midwest PBIS

Twitter: @midwestpbis

Facebook: Midwest PBIS Network

Florida PBIS

Twitter: @flpbisPBIS

Facebook: Florida's Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support Project

The Center's PBIS National Leadership Forum

Twitter: @PBISForum

Facebook: National PBIS Leadership Forum

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Megan Cave


Megan Cave

Megan Cave is a member of the PBISApps Marketing and Communication team. She is the writer behind the user manuals, scripted video tutorials, and news articles for PBISApps. She also writes a monthly article for Teach by Design and contributes to its accompanying Expert Instruction podcast episode. Megan has completed four half marathons – three of which happened unintentionally – and in all likelihood, will run another in the future.

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