February 24, 2016

PBISApps Endorses the Student Privacy Pledge

PBISApps announces today it officially endorses the Student Privacy Pledge.​

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Eugene, OR – PBISApps, provider of the SWIS Suite and a set of web-based applications for monitoring the effectiveness of student behavior supports, announces today it officially endorses the Student Privacy Pledge. The Pledge commits K-12 service providers to ensuring student privacy in the collection, use, and maintenance of personal student information. PBISApps adheres to every outlined commitment to protecting student information within each application it hosts.

“When educators have access to the right information, at the right times, in the right format, they make more informed decisions about how to make learning environments more effective for all students,” says Kent McIntosh, Director. “With data used in schools across the country to improve student outcomes, everyone should be concerned about how these data are collected, used, and shared throughout that decision-making process. The Student Privacy Pledge embraces a commitment to privacy and security we at PBISApps are excited to support and are encouraged to see others in our field commit to following, as well.”

The Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) and the Software & Information Industry Association together with school service providers, educator organizations and others introduced the Student Privacy Pledge to clarify educator and parental expectations about the ways in which vendors interact with data collected in classrooms across the country every day. The pledge holds service providers accountable to 12 expectations including to:

  • Not sell student information
  • Use data for authorized education purposes only
  • Provide comprehensive security standards
  • Be transparent about collection and use of data

As part of a public research university PBISApps is ineligible to be a signatory to the pledge. However, it lends its name to the growing list of official endorsements prominently displayed on PBISApps has updated its Privacy and Security​ statement to reflect this commitment.

About PBISApps

PBISApps is the home of web-based applications used by schools, districts, regions, and states in the US and abroad as part of their on-going decision-making processes. Educators have been using PBISApps for more than a decade to make schools safer, more productive learning environments – empowering them to make data-based decisions in real time. PBISApps  is run by Educational and Community Supports, a research center at the University of Oregon. Find more information at​.​

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