July 29, 2015

New TIC Reports in Assessment

​The TIC Total Score, Subscale, and Items reports have been updated. Find out all the details!

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Updates to the Team Implementation Checklist Reports in PBIS Assessment

​The TIC reports in PBIS Assessment have been updated. These updates make the reports more useful for decision making as well as more consistent with the survey and other reports inside the application. Here is a rundown of all the changes you can expect:

Total Score Report Changes, Reports Overall Implementation

The updated TIC Total Score provides your team with the information needed for action planning. You no longer need to manually calcualte your overall implementation percentage. Let the report do that for you! The updated report displays the total score – the points earned divided by the total number of points possible. With these data, you will be able to know whether your school meets the 80% criteria for the TIC:​

Subscale Report Changes, Consolidates Expectation Subscale

The TIC has seven subscales:

  1. Establish Commitment
  2. Establish and Maintain Team
  3. Self-Assessment
  4. Establish School-Wide Expectations
  5. Classroom Behavior Support Systems
  6. Establish Information Systems
  7. Build Capacity for Function-Based Support

The previous TIC Subscale report separated Establish School-Wide Expectations into four individual subscales: Define, Teach, Reward, and Consequences. The new TIC Subscale report consolidates these into the single Establish School-Wide Expectations subscale consistent with the TIC survey.
Items Report Changes

You'll notice a new look to the TIC Items report. Now, when reporting on multiple TICs taken, each survey and its associated responses appears as its own column. This look is consistent with other items reports in PBIS Assessment.​

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