Data Entry
June 4, 2016

Announcing New Features of SWIS 5.5

An upcoming version of the SWIS Suite is coming June 22. Here is what you can expect.

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SWIS 5.5 is Coming June 22

The newest version of the SWIS Suite will be released on June 22. Included in this release are features to enhance reporting, navigation, and overall efficiency within the application.

The SWIS Suite is Faster Than Ever

We strive to find ways to optimize your efficiency in the application. This release is no different. The application loads faster by several seconds. A Drill Down report with 30,000 referral records could have taken 150 seconds to generate; with this release, the same report generates in 20 seconds!

A More Informative School Select Menu

For users with access to more than one school’s account, the first screen you see when you login to the SWIS Suite is the Select School menu. Previously, this screen was a simple drop-down menu listing only each school’s name. With the SWIS 5.5 release, the Select School menu opens with each school listed alphabetically with its city, state, and school district displayed underneath. If you have a longer list, you might want to take advantage of the ability to identify schools as favorites. Favorites will appear at the top of the list every time you view the School Select screen making them easier to find right away. The Search tools will also help locate the school you want to access more efficiently.

From the School Select screen, you can view basic information about any school without having to login to its account:

  • School Information – See which applications the school accesses, the school’s grade range, and a full list of users along with their last login dates and times
  • School Contact Information – View the school’s mailing and physical addresses, phone number, and fax number
  • SWIS Information – Access the SWIS contact’s name and email, SWIS facilitator’s name and contact information, and see whether the school uses the SWIS Person Import Feature.
  • DataLink Information – This section provides information about whether the school uploads data using DataLink and what the latest upload file contained. More information about this service is coming soon!

​Other Notable Features

The Drill Down now includes additional filters for Action Taken. You can narrow your dataset to referrals with an Action Taken Duration of greater than, less than, or within a range of days.

For ISIS-SWIS users, you can exclude No School days from your Time Segments reports. This is a reporting option for these reports, but one that will impact the number of days included in the report calculations. Using the option, your report excludes any days marked as No School from the maximum days scheduled.​

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