Data-based decision making
February 24, 2014

12th Annual Northwest PBIS Conference

This year we’ll be attending the 12th Annual Northwest PBIS Conference in Portland, OR, February 27-28, 2014.

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We will be at the 12th Annual Northwest PBIS Conference

February 27 & 28

This year we’ll be attending the 12th Annual Northwest PBIS Conference in Portland, OR, February 27-28, 2014. Come by and visit the PBISApps team.  In addition to conference sessions, we will be exhibiting at a table all day Thursday and Friday with smiles and enthusiasm talking about the SWIS Suite, PBIS Assessment and PBIS Evaluation. Visit the NWPBIS Network website​ to find out more about the conference. Here is what we are presenting:


Session 4, 3 – 4:15 PM

ISIS-SWIS: Linking the Pieces of a Student's Individualized Plan

Location: Glisan

ISIS-SWIS is an application within the SWIS Suite designed to coordinate and monitor individualized student support. ISIS-SWIS allows teams to:

  1. Set up, collect, and monitor a student’s outcome data on individualized goals based on team agreements.
  2. Set up, collect, and monitor fidelity data about the implementation of the support plan.
  3. Store critical student plan documents needed for planning and decision making in a central location.
  4. Summarize outcome and fidelity data for problem solving and decision making.

Poster Session, 4 – 6 PM

PBIS Applications: Collecting and Analyzing Student Outcome and Implementation Fidelity Data

This poster session will provide an overview of the web applications provided by PBISApps. Applications include: the SWIS Suite (SWIS, CICO-SWIS, and ISIS-SWIS), PBIS Evaluation, and PBIS Assessment.

  • SWIS Suite: SWIS is a site to enter Office Discipline Referral information. CICO-SWIS provides a data collection system for Tier II interventions. ISIS-SWIS provides a site for collecting data around all aspects of a student’s individualized plan.
  • PBIS Assessment is a website for monitoring the fidelity of PBIS implementation.
  • PBIS Evaluation allows states, regions, and districts to aggregate data from the SWIS Suite and PBIS Assessment sites for evaluation purposes.

Descriptions of how each application can be used to monitor student progress and overall implementation in schools will be available at the poster session


Session 5, 9:30 – 10:45 AM

CICO-SWIS: Using Reports to Support Student Success in Check-In Check-Out

Location: Crown Zellerbach

Check-In Check-Out SWIS (CICO-SWIS) is a data application within SWIS which provides a way for schools to enter data and generate reports for the CICO program. This session will present the web application, as well as provide examples of using the CICO reports for decision making.

Session 6, 11 – 12:15 PM

Collecting and Analyzing Data with PBIS Applications

Location: Crown Zellerbach

This session will provide an overview of the web applications available at with practical descriptions and examples about how each application can be used to monitor progress and implementation fidelity from the student, school, or multi-school levels (e.g., district, region, state). PBIS Applications include the SWIS Suite (SWIS, CICO-SWIS, and ISIS-SWIS), PBIS Assessment, and PBIS Evaluation.

Session 8, 2:45 – 4 PM

Do We Have a Problem? Data-based Identification of Discipline Disproportionality

Location: Flanders

This session will discuss how disaggregated discipline data can assist schools as they work toward equity in education. Analyzing disaggregated office discipline referral data allows schools to evaluate whether their disciplinary practices are disproportionately affecting various student groups (e.g., ethnic, minority students; Boneshefski & Runge, 2013).

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